Key lessons for improving your Social Media skills

Many people lose track in the Social Media-jungle. Facebook…Twitter…Blogging… Where and how do I reach my customers the best?

A great article on the topic “communication with Social Media” by Soren Gordhamer is available on

Conclusion: There is a fine line between reaching out people and ‘spamming’ people.

Here are the 7 Lessons for better networking with Social Media:

1. Find a Person’s Preferred Communication Channel: Go where they are!

2. Say Just Enough: Less is more!

3. Don’t Expect a Response: Say what you need to and then let it go.

4. Clarify Early: Say it up front.

5. What You Want is Not the Point: No one knows what the future may hold, so make the moment count. Ensure the door stays open, even if no one is walking through it right now.

6. Be Open Without Needing: Speak from openness rather than need.

7. Give Space: Focus on thoughtful instead of continual contact.

We will do our best! Thanks for the great tips…

Is Privacy a Thing of The Past?

I have just read an interesting article on about privacy on the internet and whether or not there is even such a thing these days.

With growing developments within the online world, it seems it is getting easier to find out any information you would ever want to know about an individual and people are living their lives completely transparently through the internet without even realising it.

There was a big news story in the UK where the wife of Britain’s Spy Chief was using Facebook and posted photographs of them on holiday and told people where they lived; not only damaging to her husband’s career, but also potentially life-threatening due to the nature of his role.

According to the study, it is not only social networking sites that pose a problem. Alberta Health Services, the first in Canada to use electronic health records, lost 11,000 private records recently thanks to a hacker.

Once again, this reiterates the importance of regularly monitoring your online profile and ensuring that your address, telephone number and even your medical records aren’t being displayed publicly on the internet!