Knowing With the Help of Facebook Whether A Relationship Will Last

The Internet and love are two issues that are encountered together more frequently lately. Just recently, a study showed that relationships and also separations are now made public, especially in social networks. Apparently, the general idea of romance has changed a bit in recent years, because the “online-check” of one’s sweetheart is now the rule rather than the exception.

It is known that most of the social activities on the net take place on Facebook. Thus, a huge data stock can be found there which provides information about the relationships of the individual members and, of course, about the current relationship status – whether you are in a relationship, with whom, and for how long. With the help of a new algorithm, Facebook is now able to exactly calculate for how long the relationship will last!


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To break off friendships is also an option

Are you sometimes tired of your friends’ and contacts’ same old entries and posts on Facebook about their last vacation, about the exciting party last weekend, or about the best pal’s wonderful wedding? An absolute classic probably is the incredible beauty, sweetness, and uniqueness of a newborn baby. Proud parents (or grandparents) eagerly spread photos of the innocent newborn among the internet community without even asking the baby for permission. However, this is a different topic.

Honestly, have you ever broken off a friendship or a contact, because you felt annoyed? In some cases, it clearly is an option to break off the friendship. Some also observed that boredom is spreading fast in the world’s largest social network these days.

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Randi Zuckerberg is offering tips for your online reputation

Randi Zuckerberg, sister of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, appeared on the Today Show several days ago. Below you will find the video. On the show she gave some tips for protecting one’s reputation on the net. The opinion of a person that close to Facebook is certainly quite interesting. However, will these tips be suitable for someone who is not coincidentally the sister of one of the youngest billionaires in the world? See for yourself:

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