Knowing With the Help of Facebook Whether A Relationship Will Last

The Internet and love are two issues that are encountered together more frequently lately. Just recently, a study showed that relationships and also separations are now made public, especially in social networks. Apparently, the general idea of romance has changed a bit in recent years, because the “online-check” of one’s sweetheart is now the rule rather than the exception.

It is known that most of the social activities on the net take place on Facebook. Thus, a huge data stock can be found there which provides information about the relationships of the individual members and, of course, about the current relationship status – whether you are in a relationship, with whom, and for how long. With the help of a new algorithm, Facebook is now able to exactly calculate for how long the relationship will last!


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Internet couples will become intimate and decide for a family much earlier

Those who have met online will be a couple much earlier, will move in together much earlier and will have children much earlier than other couples do. This is the result of a study of online and offline romantic relationships by the online dating site Parship.

Relationships that started over the internet are said to become serious much earlier than those that started by meeting in pubs, through mutual friends, or at work.

The following figures are convincing:

Two thirds of all couples that have met online, move in together within the first twelve months. 37 percent of the online couples get married within the first year of their relationship. And up to the first child it takes on average just 2.5 years. Continue reading Internet couples will become intimate and decide for a family much earlier

A crucial factor for damaging or deepening relationships

Use of factors determine the results of our goals. There are many factors for different situations. Anything that contributes causally to a result could be called factor. Factors could be behavioural, scientific, technical, economic or may represent myriad of other aspect of life.

Considering importance of factors for outcomes, I would like to highlight today what one factor that can damage or deepen relationships. My inspiration is William James again who has been known as one of the most influential pragmatists in philosophy. According to James whenever we are in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude.

Attitude is a broad topic with multiple dimensions and connotations too. One may ask what kind of attitude will determine our success. In my view this depends on our personalities, positions, backgrounds, expectations and many more other conditions. However one thing that we all feel safe is the common sense in many situations. Common sense encapsulates the universal rules and is almost the same or at least similar in many culture or countries.

Building is important but I am more interested in how you deepen your relationships.

Dr. Mehmet Yildiz