Full privacy only exists offline

Is there anything like privacy on the Internet or does it only exist offline? The Big Players on the net have already made their points regarding this topic. Randi Zuckerberg, sister of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, made the now famous statement that anonymity on the Internet has to disappear. And Facebook has just recently won an important victory in this fight against anonymity on the net.

Even Google manager Eric Schmidt has clearly positioned himself about privacy on the Internet:

“If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.”


Continue reading Full privacy only exists offline

Tips on protecting your children’s reputation online

Take a look at this infographic. It’s all about tips on protecting your children’s reputation online. And how Yasni and the free email monitoring can help you here. First, educate yourself about the applications your child is using. And make sure that you check your child’s privacy settings and insist that your children interact only with people they personally know. And always actively monitor the web with Yasni and try setting a good example and promote honesty. Continue reading Tips on protecting your children’s reputation online

The story behind Facebook

A movie about Facebook?!? The only question now is, whether Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg likes what he gets to see in The Social Network. The film by director David Fincher comes to the cinemas this october and describes the story behind the founding of Facebook. We will see whether the film remains close to the facts or goes to “hollywoodish”. In a first statement, Mark Zuckerberg made clear that the film is pure fiction and has nothing to do with reality. Atfer watching that trailer, i’ve probably said the same…  😉

How is your first impression? Will you watch the film? It will be really interesting to see, how Facebook deals with this critical movie. Facebook is actually taking a lot of criticism because of their statements concerning privacy. In this matter, we have a slightly different opinion than Facebook!

Read here how Yasni helps to protect your privacy!