Tips on how to fill out the Yasni Exposé

Our free Yasni Exposé helps to be found better by customers and employers in search engines like Yasni, Google, and Bing. Of course, it is important that the Exposé contains correct information and the Exposé owner creates confidence.

First of all, it can be assured by specifying the full name in the Exposé as well as by honesty and transparency. Furthermore, for job seekers it is also helpful, if the information in the Exposé  tell a personal story. For that, we now give you ten questions you should ask yourselves when dealing with career portals. Continue reading Tips on how to fill out the Yasni Exposé

Honesty is the best policy

A good reputation on the internet is important, no matter if you are employee, employer, student, applicant, or  freelancer. We have already discussed in our Yasni blog how Yasni can help to recognize one’s own traces and how to actively protect them. It is not that difficult at all: To surf the internet with a common sense, to check regularly the latest traces to one’s own name with Yasni’s free e-mail monitoring, and to use our Exposé to be found better by new customers and employers via search engines such as Yasni and Google.

Here are a some informative statements to the topic:

“Everything is transparent, also negative experiences.“

If personal data are publicly available on the web, customers and HR representatives can find them. Also the negative data. Thus, it is important to become aware of what can be found to one’s own name on the internet. Only then one can counteract, commentate, correct, or place new positive information on the internet.

“The first ORM rule, honesty is the best policy“

Not every negative information has to stay so. Often one can change a negative article or a poor evaluation in something positive by reacting kindly and objective to criticism, regardless of whether this criticism is justified or not. Everyone should always take cricism seriously and be aware of one’s own mistakes. To bury one’s head in the sand does not help at all. If one can deal with it honestly and in a competent way it will have a positive affect, because the internet never forgets, not even the positive things. Thank Goodness!