Yasni reaches profit zone

People Search Engine Yasni stays on the road to success: a 7-digit gross profit, break even and 17 million unique users per month comprise its balance sheet 2010.

German startups are blamed for being uninspired copies of successful Web services from the US. Consequently, only few German Internet companies are of international relevance. However, Yasni is worldwide the only real search engine to find experts for keywords like skills or city and already half of its users are from abroad. International usage even increased tenfold in 2010. Notably is the high percentage of users from the US, Canada or Australia, but also from India, France and Japan.

Yasni reaches seven-digit gross profit and profit zone

The recently launched domains for France (www.yasni.fr), Spain (www.yasni.es) and Italy (www.yasni.it) ensure growth for 2011 and meet the international demand for real people search.

Yasni CEO Steffen Rühl: „I am pleased that despite high expenditures for our growth and the set-up of further languages and domains in the last year we have not only doubled turnover as in the years before, but for the first time achieved the break even with a seven-digit gross profit for the total year.”


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6 thoughts on “Yasni reaches profit zone”

  1. Liebes Yasni Team,

    ich freue mich sehr diese Zeilen zu lesen. Wie ich aber seit Jahren sage und schreibe, bin ich nicht mal überrascht, sondern nur erfreut 🙂

    Weiterhin viel Erfolg!


    PS: Neue Award Nominierungen für aussergewöhnliche Yasni Profile sind online. Letzte Votingergebnisse sind wieder erfreuend und betrugen 40.000 abgegebene Stimmen für das 1. Quratal2011. Mehr war gar nicht möglich, weil das Tool bei 40.000 streikt 😉

  2. I am sorry.. I didn’t recognize that I am reading the yasni blog in english..:-)

    I am happy to read of yasnis success and I am also sure this will go on and surprice more and more persons..

    Warm regards


  3. Oh that’s good! This means that Yasni has already proven its worth and that they we must all celebrate its success. Invisible Fence would like to congratulate all the people behind the success for it would not be a success without them all.

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