Parents have to protect their children on the Internet

Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google, gave an interesting interview to a German news page a few days ago. Although the interview was rather short, it contained some striking answers. In the past, the former CEO of Google was responsible for one or the other nice quote, as in late 2010, when it came to the visions of Google.

Now Eric Schmidt was asked if parents have to protect their children online. However, there is still one unanswered question as to whether parents are able to protect their children online.

Do parents have to protect their children?

“Of course! They have a great responsibility. Children are usually not aware of the fact that everything they post on the Internet will accompany them for a lifetime. What has been published cannot be deleted. And there will always be someone who has a copy. Therefore, I think parents should always know what their children do on the net. They should know their children’s passwords until they are 18.”

Of course, the parents’ duty of care for their children also applies for the Internet.  The question is whether children can be controlled and give out their passwords….

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