Compliments always work

On last Valentine’s day we asked our users if they blindly trust their loved ones. The result was, that an online-check of the partner is already part of everyday life for the vast majority of internet users. A current survey of SPIN asked for the most popular compliments and at least 2,000 persons answered to the question.

Result: The recognition of appearance wins.

Top compliments:

  1. “You look fantastic“ (18,2%)
  2. “You are the best that ever happened to me” (13,9%)
  3. “I love you” (8,2%)
  4. “You have beautiful eyes” (7,9%)
  5. “I’m glad that you’re there” (6,1%)

Obviously,  the simple classics are still the safest method for a nice compliment to your partner. Surprisingly, a compliment like „You are the best cook ever, mary me.“ cannot be find in the Top 5.


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