Americans Are Happier Than Ever

According to a new Gallup study based on about 30,000 interviews conducted every month between 2008 and 2012, American nation is currently in its happiest mood. The Gallup and Healthways began examining emotional state in January 2008, and the latest Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index shows that Americans’ emotional health index score is now 79.9. The previous high was 79.8, which was reached in March 2008 and May 2010.

Participants of the study were asked to answer a group of special questions considering their emotions over the previous day, such as whether they experienced worry, enjoyment or stress, if they felt sad or happy, whether they learned something interesting, and if they smiled or laughed. After that the scientists compared with September 2011, and the results showed that Americans have higher scores in all of these categories.

According to researchers, improvements in emotional health occur at the same time as Americans views improve on their standards of living, as well as economic confidence.

2 thoughts on “Americans Are Happier Than Ever”

  1. I am so glad that Americans have a higher outlook now. If they say the economy is psychological, which to a certain degree it is, then this can only be an indicator that America is getting back on its feet. If Americans spend more, the vitality of the economy becomes more robust, more $$ for business, then jobs will start coming back in droves.
    – Lanny Rivera

  2. LANNY! That’s crap! It is not only statistically inacurate but a slap in the face of those Americans who can’t click their ruby slippers and make their unemployment come back in the worst job market since the great depression.

    Are you paid to write the “fools corner” to help out advertising for your site?

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