Manage your online reputation

It is not always easy searching for a job on the internet. Inaccurate information in your curriculum vitae can be easily checked on the internet and, therefore, damage your career. It is well-known that companies search for appropriate candidates and check their appearance on the internet. Thus, a professional presentation on the internet is essential, if you want to make progress with your job search. In this context, Yasni offers its free Exposé and Exposé Promotion. Because nowadays nobody and nothing is private any longer, everyone should actively manage one’s own online reputation by oneself. Otherwise, it could have negative effects. Whoever cannot provide a professional online presentation or even cannot be found on the internet possibly won’t be able to find a job in the future anymore.

Therefore, Yasni supports the opinion that an applicant should actively represent oneself on the internet including all strengths, interests and expert knowledge. Hence, Yasni offers its free Exposé and Exposé Promotion, as already mentioned above. One should rather see this transparency as a chance. Intimate information, of course, should certainly not be available on the internet. Thus, it is important to regularly check one’s own online traces. Regarding to all this, Yasni can perfectly assist you as a search engine including the free e-mail monitoring.

(Image: © XtravaganT –

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