yasni has received lots of fantastic Trade and Consumer coverage!

We are all excited to have received a great piece of coverage this morning; yasni was awarded a Silver Award by Web User magazine, a huge British Tech magazine! yasni was listed as one of the best ways to find people!!


On top of that, yasni has appeared in Scarlet Magazine, a big UK ladies magazine and was listed as something that is ‘on the up’!


yasni.com Opens Doors for Global Collaboration

As we all know, we live in a digital age where distance is no longer a barrier and one of the nicest experiences we have at yasni.com is when we see members of our global people search community collaborating together on projects and ideas.

We encourage collaboration, be it for business opportunities, fund raising for charitable causes or just generally helping each other out.

We want to hear about the collaboration projects that our community have been involved with and those which have come direct from your use of yasni.com.

Why do we want to hear about it? Well, not just so we can feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but because we want to offer your stories as an inspiration to other yasni users.

So come on, get collaborating and lets see what we can all achieve together!