Creating and Using Business Cards

Business cards are the quintessential way to ensure further contact after an interview. This way each person can be assigned to a “face” that allows the contact to bring up already discussed issues at the next opportunity. The difference between an “offline business card” and an “online business card” is becoming more and more crucial, due to the difference in maintaining contacts.

We show you how to successfully network with both versions and what else you should know. Here are the basics of offline business cards.

  • The shape of business cards can basically be made in portrait or landscape format, but should never exceed the standard dimensions. This is the only way to collect or store cards in special boxes.
  • Information is valuable and your card should be structured accordingly. It should focus on the most important data, i.e. the name and contact details (e-mail, mobile number, and, if necessary, office number). Present yourself up-to-date and be aware of latest trends, e.g. give a hint to your web profile via a QR code or a sub-domain as a creative element.
  • Keep to your company’s corporate design and use the same spacing and pattern. Use a maximum of two fonts and don’t overload the card. This way contacts stay focused on the essential information. Your card also leaves a more serious impression by including a small graphic that is separated from the text by a white space.
  • In sales it is often required to have the details in English, too. Please avoid misleading job titles. Rather describe bulky professions with the corresponding English equivalent.
  • Don’t save expenses on the layout or print quality. False impressions could arise that result into irritating associations.

For the online world consider your business card as your personal signature and actively use it. For this purpose we suggest to use the free Yasni Exposé that increases your presence on the Internet, even only a few keywords or search results are available to your name.  Especially the association with social networks, increasingly replacing classical communication, opens up a world of opportunities. Furthermore, with the Exposé you can control what is published about your person, prevent misuse, and represent yourself in a more transparent way.


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