Show yourself the right way on the internet

The Pew Internet-Report showed us, how people monitor their own reputation on the web. It is a well know fact, that people search and online reputation management are already very important tools for a big part of the internet users. If you want to achieve a good reputation on the internet, you have to show yourself the right way on the internet – and a free Yasni Exposé can help you with that!

For example, the Yasni Exposé of Mehmet Yildiz:


The Exposé helps you to organize your web links, profiles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, …) and images to ensure your best impression to people who are searching for you via Yasni, Google, Bing or Yahoo. With the Exposé, you decide which results are the preferred ones for your name and which are not. You set yourself apart from other people with the same name and show the world what’s important to you.

In this way, you can actively manage your reputation and your credibility, because people who are looking for your name will be directed to your Yasni Exposé! Because of that, you can make contact with people you know or you can also acquire new business partners!

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