Is it possible to be transparent and authentic online?

This is a discovery post rather than prescriptive on how to be transparent and authentic online. There are a number of recent incidents in various online environments which triggered some thoughts and feelings requiring associated decisions and actions for me. In this post, I’d like to discuss the environment factor.

Environment is an essential factor for success. I believe, like it is in the real world, one expect the online world to be clean and healthy to play with confidence and enthusiasm. If an environment gets toxic with mediocrity and childish behaviour, one’s enthusiasm and willingness relatively decrease. I believe authentic and transparent people instantly affected by their environments. An environment, for example for blogging, makes difference for one’s participation and collaboration.

Spirit of networking is directly related environment which play a significant role for participative actions. Who has the key impact on environment? Without doubt that the members of the environment have the key impact to keep the environment clean, healthy and pleasant to play with.

I’d like to discover how one can be transparent and authentic in this online world. How would you define and describe a clean, healthy and pleasant environment. Look forward to obtaining your insights stemming from your online experience, thoughts, and personal preferences.

Dr. Mehmet Yildiz