The digital inheritance is waiting

Hardly anybody likes to deal with the issue “death”.  Often one puts off making a will for as long as possible. By now there is a classical will for your digital inheritance. At least online we can live forever nowadays because the Internet hardly – or very, very slowly – forgets anything.

In our digital world we no longer just pass on money or houses but also data, accounts, and online activities. This can be quite expensive because most of the online registrations are liable to costs and are not automatically terminated with the death of the user. The heirs are obliged to take care of the digital inheritance. During their (online) life most Internet users give very little thought to what should be done with their digital inheritance after their death.


Therefore, it is advisable to regulate one’s digital inheritance in a will and to leave all access data, logins, and passwords with a notary as well as a power of attorney.

How about you? Have you already given any thoughts to your digital inheritance?